Snack Mix


This snack mix is the easiest thing ever and it’s so convenient to have on hand. It can get expensive or be really cheap depending on what snacks you choose to put in the bags. I have a whole bin of snacks in our pantry and the kids know they can have anything in there during snack time.

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If you make it with snacks they love then it’s a painless snack that you don’t have to prepare later. I always cringed when the kids said they were hungry because it meant I had to stop what I was doing to feed them a snack. Not anymore. They just grab a bag of this goodness and we’re all happy. Too bad a big bowl of this doesn’t last long at our house.

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Sometimes it takes some work and a lot of bags to stock up the bin but it’s so worth it. If you get the kids involved in packing the bags then it’s much easier.

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My absolute favorite is having them on hand to take when we leave. Most of the time when we leave the house we will be gone long enough that the kids will get hungry. I love to just grab a few of these and keep them in the car or my purse to give the kids instead of having to stop and buy food somewhere before the hangry stage sets in. We get the hangries here big time so I do everything I can to avoid it.

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Snack Mix

This is something you make according to the things you like to eat. I like to have some crunchy things, soft things, sweet things, salty things and anything else that isn’t perishable.

We did:
Pretzels sticks
Goldfish Crackers
Chocolate covered peanuts
Chocolate covered raisins
Salted Cashews

Other options might include:
Teddy Grahams
Chocolate Chips
Chex Cereal

Mix it all in a bowl then separate into small snack size bags.
Clean up the mess.
Eat, Share, Enjoy!!!
