Honey Whole Wheat Bread


I LOVE making bread and I LOVE when it’s healthy like this Honey Whole Wheat Bread.

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I make bread at least once a week, usually twice a week. I love making it and I love eating it. Most of my favorite recipes aren’t super healthy though. This one is all wheat and it’s surprisingly light and delicious.

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A lot of times when you add wheat flour, the bread becomes more dense and heavy. This Honey Whole Wheat Bread is actually pretty light and it’s so good. My kids really love eating it too. For a homemade bread it is surprisingly good the next day as well. I’m a bread snob and won’t eat day-old-bread. This Honey Whole Wheat Bread stays soft and tastes great the next day. It loses a little moisture but not as much as some bread.

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Okay, now for making it.

It’s super easy. Add warm water, yeast, and honey to a mixing bowl. Let the yeast dissolve and start to froth up a little. Add the flour and salt and mix it for a good 3-5 minutes. You want the dough to pull away from the sides. It’s okay if it sticks a little but you don’t want it to too much. If it’s sticking to the sides too much, add more flour a little at a time. If you are using freshly ground wheat then it takes a little more flour.

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Once it is all mixed, you want to let it rise. I LOVE my Bosch mixer for this because I don’t have to dirty another bowl. I just put the lid right on top and let it rise in the mixing bowl.

If you don’t have a lid on your mixer. Spray a bowl or add a little oil around the sides. Place the dough in the bowl and cover it with plastic wrap.

It rises pretty quickly. You want it to double in size. It’ll take about 30-45 minutes.

Once it has risen, shape it into an oval size ball with the seams on the bottom and place it in a greased loaf pan.
Cover it with plastic that has been sprayed. It’ll help prevent it from sticking and ruing your smooth dough. Let it rise again until doubled in size.

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Meanwhile, turn your oven on to 350 degrees.

Remove the plastic wrap and place it in the oven. Bake it for 30 minutes.

A fun trick to know if bread is done is to flick it or tap it. If it sounds hollow, then your bread is ready.

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I’ll give you a quick tip. Mix 1 part coconut oil and 1 part honey to make a honey butter. It’ll taste just like honey butter but you get the added health benefits from the coconut oil as opposed to the not so healthy butter. Make sure the coconut oil is in solid form for this to work the best.

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It’s so tasty and delicious on the Honey Whole Wheat Bread.

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It cuts better if you let it cool completely. I’m not sure if I’ve ever waited for it to cool completely though. I do love eating hot bread. You make the choice, I won’t judge.

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Honey Whole Wheat Bread

2 cups Warm Water
1 ½ Tbsp. Yeast
⅓ cup Honey
3-4 cups Whole Wheat (closer to 5 if it’s freshly ground wheat)
1 ½ tsp. Salt

1-Make sure you have all your ingredients and clean your work area.
2-Mix water, yeast, and honey in a mixing bowl and let it sit for 5-10 minutes or until the yeast dissolves and starts to froth up.
3-Add the wheat flour and salt then mix. If it’s too sticky then add more flour. Add it slowly and make sure the lid is on.
4-You’ll want to mix it for about 3-5 minutes.
5-If you have a Bosch mixer, then you can just put both lids on and leave it to rise. If not, place the dough in a different bowl that you have sprayed or oiled. Cover with plastic and let it rise for about 30-45 minutes.
6-While it rises, clean up the mess and get out a large loaf pan and grease it or spray it.
7-Once the dough has risen, remove it from the bowl and shape it into a long oval shape. Place it carefully with the seam side down in the loaf pan.
8-Cover it with some plastic that you have sprayed so it doesn’t stick. Let is sit and rise again for about 30 minutes. You want it to double in size.
9-While it’s rising, turn your oven onto 350 degrees.
10-Remove the plastic and place the bread in the oven. Bake for 30 minutes.
11-To test if it’s done, flick the top of the bread and if it sounds hollow, then it’s done.
12-Let it cool down for 5-10 minutes in the pan.
13-Carefully remove from the pan and let to cool down before cutting into it. It’s delicious warm but it cuts better if it has cooled down.
14-Clean up the mess.
15-Eat, Share, Enjoy!!!

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7 years ago

Hi, can I cut all the ingredients half to make a smaller loaf? Because my family not really like the whole wheat bread. I’m the only one that having it but I couldn’t finish it. Hope to receive your reply soon 😀

6 years ago

OK I made this loaf 3 times now first time came out great, 2nd and 3rd time looked like a beret, still tasted really good. I’m using hard white wheat and grinding it myself. Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong? It’s rising fine and fast just seems like its not strong enough to lift it self, wish I could post the picture. please help. Ron