Pumpkin Cookies


I love EVERYTHING pumpkin right now. Pumpkin Cookies are my weakness right now. My taste buds for it only last a couple of months so I go a little crazy in the fall when it’s pumpkin season. It’s almost like a pregnancy craving in the fall. I just gotta have it. I was doing a health challenge until Monday though so it’s been really really rough. I literally had to throw away some cookies just so I wouldn’t eat them all.

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In all seriousness though. I have been trying to find a good Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe for 5 years now.

I delivered Jane and Kate 6+weeks early. While they were in the NICU for 5+ weeks, my wonderful sister-in-law brought us dinner several times. One of those times it included some the most perfect and delicious, warm and soft Pumpkin Cookies. It was exactly what I wanted without even knowing what I wanted. She had found the recipe online and she kind of told me where to look. I looked a few times and I think I might have even made them. I didn’t make them again though because it called for shortening and I just don’t love shortening. Is that weird? For some reason I feel like it’s less healthy than butter or something. Am I crazy in thinking that? Anyone know if there is truth behind my thinking? Anyway, a neighbor shared her recipe with me a few weeks ago and I fell in LOVE with them. She actually just found out she has celiacs disease and she said they taste great with other types of non-gluten flours. BONUS.

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As a side note, make sure you cook them all the way. The first pan turned out great but the second pan was a little under-cooked. They still tasted delicious but didn’t look as good. It can be hard to tell if they are done. Just look at the top and make sure they don’t look moist or shiny. They should look a little dull and fully rounded if that makes any sense. Either way, the flavor will taste delicious. You can kind of tell in the picture below which ones were under-cooked a little.

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I hope you enjoy these cookies as much as I do.

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Pumpkin Cookies

½ cup butter, softened
1 ½ cup sugar

1 cup pumpkin
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 egg

2 ½ cups flour
1 tsp. Baking powder
1 tsp. Baking soda
1 tsp. Cinnamon
½ tsp. Nutmeg
½ tsp. Salt

2 cups chocolate chips (12oz bag)

1-Make sure you have all your ingredients.
2-Clean your work area.
3-Turn your oven to on 350 degrees.
4-Using a mixer like a Bosch or KitchenAide, beat your butter and sugar together. (You can also do this using a hand mixer if that’s all you have).
5-Add your pumpkin, vanilla, and egg and mix it together. Scrape the sides if you need to.
6-Add the rest of the ingredients and give it a little stir before mixing it with the wet ingredients (watch video for instructions on this if you are confused).
7-Mix it until it’s all mixed together.
8-Add the chocolate chips and mix it a little until they are spread out evenly in the mix.
9-You can spoon these out on a silicone sheet, parchment paper, or directly onto a cookie sheet. I use a #20 or a 2 oz. scooper to make these cookies. If you don’t have a scooper, you can use spoons. They are really sticky so you don’t want to be rolling them with your hand.
10-Place them in the oven for 15 minutes. Make sure they cooked all the way. It gets tricky to know. If they look wet at all on top then cook for a minute at a time more.
11-Clean up your mess.
12-Eat, Share, Enjoy!

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