Pumpkin Roll


Fall is in the air and pumpkin is all over the place. All I want to eat is pumpkin stuff all day. I walk down the isles at the grocery store and there is pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING it seems. It even found its way into the sugar cereals this year. Some things sound amazing and others, not so much. For instance, I’m not a huge fan of pumpkin flavored ice cream. To each their own, I won’t judge.

pumpkin roll-pinterest

This Pumpkin Roll recipe is more of a classic and it will go over well with everyone. I mean, how can you go wrong when it has a cream cheese filling inside? Pumpkin and cream cheese go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Look how thin the layer of cream cheese is. It’s so thin but once you roll it up it will be the perfect amount. It’s not too sweet which is something I really like about these Pumpkin Rolls.  Don’t try to eat more than one though.

pumpkin roll

Roll it up and look at delicious this Pumpkin Roll looks.

pumpkin roll

Pumpkin Rolls can look a little tricky and scary to make but I’ll show you in the video how easy it really is.

pumpkin roll

Pumpkin Roll

3 eggs
1 cup sugar
⅔ cup pumpkin
1 tsp. Lemon juice
¾ cup flour
1 ½ tsp. Baking powder
1 tsp. Ground ginger
2 tsp. Cinnamon
½ tsp. Nutmeg
½ tsp. Salt

1 cup powdered sugar
6 oz. cream cheese
4 Tbsp. butter (½ of a cube)
½ tsp. Vanilla

1-Make sure you have all your ingredients and clean your work area.
2-Turn your oven onto 350 degrees. Also, set the cream cheese and butter out to soften it.
3-In a bowl, mix the eggs and sugar together. I just use a hand mixer.
4-Add the pumpkin and lemon juice and mix it.
5-Add the flour, baking powder, ground ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt in the bowl and give it a little stir before mixing it all together. (Watch the video for explanation)
6-Get your 12”x16” jelly-roll pan and a piece of parchment to fit the pan.
7-Spray the parchment paper with cooking spray then sprinkle flour on it and shake off the extra flour.
8-With the flour side up, pour the pumpkin mixture on it and spread it out evenly. It is a very thin layer.
9-Place in the oven and bake it for 20 minutes.
10-While it’s baking, clean up and put everything away.
11-Once the cake is out of the oven let it sit for 5 minutes.
12-While it’s cooling, get a clean towel and spread it out on the counter. Sprinkle powdered sugar on the towel.
13-Carefully flip the cake out onto the towel with powdered sugar.
14-Carefully remove the parchment paper.
15-Roll the pumpkin roll with the towel included. You can roll it either way. If you roll from the long side, you will get more pumpkin rolls but they will be smaller. If you roll from the smaller side, you will get a bigger roll but less of them.
16-Once it’s rolled up, put it in the fridge to let it cool for about 20 minutes. Sometimes I get impatient and take it out sooner.
17-While it’s cooling make the filling by mixing the cream cheese and butter until it’s creamy and smooth, add the powdered sugar, and vanilla and mix again. I just use a hand mixer.
18-Unroll the cake and spread the filling all over on the inside part of the cake.
19-Roll it back up without the towel this time and put it back in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
20-Clean up.
21-Once it has chilled, take it out of the fridge and slice it up. If you don’t chill it for the hour then it doesn’t cut as smoothly but it will still taste fine.
22-Eat, Share, Enjoy!!!
