Sausage Quiche


My sister-law-made this Sausage Quiche for a family breakfast one time and I think I ate 3 pieces. I fell in love with how delicious it was.

I don’t love crust like a lot of quiches have and this was the perfect amount of salty, cheesy, egg goodness. I’m amazed at how light and fluffy it is to eat too.

sausage quiche-pinterest

Cook the sausage and rinse it. I literally rinse it after I’ve cooked it. It gets a lot more of the grease off of the sausage making it a little more healthy. Then, just mix the rest of the stuff together. It’s super easy and it’s a great way to practice cracking eggs.

sausage quiche-uncooked

It takes a while to bake but I’ve even made it the night before and just popped it in the oven the next morning. It holds up really well and it was perfect the next day. It’s great for Christmas morning or any other day. I’ve brought it to breakfast parties with no work to worry about in the morning.

sausage quiche-cooked

The best part is that the leftovers are just as good. We can’t eat a whole pan in one sitting so we get to enjoy it throughout the week too. It heats up so well in the microwave.

sausage quiche-cut

Sausage Quiche

1 lb Regular Jimmy Dean Sausage
10 Eggs
½ cup Flour
1 tsp. Baking Powder
½ tsp. Salt
2 cups Cottage Cheese
2 ½ cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese
½ cup melted Butter
2-3 Tbsp. Chives (optional)

1-Make sure you have all your ingredients and clean your work area.
2-Turn your oven on to 350 degrees.
3-Cook the sausage thoroughly. Make sure you wash your hands before and after touching raw meat.
4-Strain the sausage of all the fat. I like to run hot water over it so it rinses all the fat.
5-Crack the eggs and whisk them until smooth.
6-Add the flour, baking powder and salt and mix until smooth.
7-Add the cottage cheese, shredded cheese, cooled melted butter, chives, and sausage.
8-Spray a 9×13” Pyrex Pan and pour the mix into the pan.
9-Bake the Quiche for 50-60 minutes or until golden brown on top.
10-Clean up mess.
11-Eat, Share, Enjoy!!!
