

The first time I tried Scotcharoos, I knew I was in trouble. I was with my sister and the lady told us the recipe and I’ve never forgotten it. That may not seem impressive but that was 13 years ago. 1 cup of everything except 6 cups of Rice Krispies. All you have to do is remember what the ingredients are. Easy Peasy.


When I say these are dangerous, I mean it. I can eat a whole row in one sitting. Once you start eating them, you just don’t want to stop. That’s why I cannot keep a whole pan in my house. I only make them when I can share them with others at a party I’m hosting or if I’m asked to bring something.


Plus with summer being here, it’s a great thing for the kids to make and even sell to the neighbors if they are trying to earn some money. Just beware of Peanut Allergies.


This year Jules asked for them instead of a birthday cake. Because I cut into the pan and ate a couple before we sang to her, I had to put one on a plate for her with 10 candles on it. It was a little overcrowded but it make blowing them out a easier.

scotcharoos-jules birthday

Just look at all of that chocolate goodness.



1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Corn Syrup
1 Cup Peanut Butter
6 Cups Rice Krispies
1 Cup Chocolate Chips
1 Cup Butterscotch Chips

1-Make sure you have all the ingredients, clean your work area, and wash your hands.
2-In a large pot, mix your sugar and corn syrup together.
3-Cook on the stove at a medium-high heat until the granules from the sugar have dissolved.
4-Take off the heat and add the peanut butter and mix.
5-Add the Rice Krispies next and mix all together.
6-Spray a 9×13 pan (I prefer pyrex), and dump all of the Rice Krispy mix in. Spread it around and flatten until smooth.
7-Meanwhile, add the chocolate chips and butterscotch chips to a microwave safe bowl. Melt 30 seconds at a time until smooth.
8-Spread the melted chips over the Rice Krispies and smooth it out.
9-Let the chocolate harden. I like to put it in the fridge for about 30 minutes. After the chocolate has hardened you can cut it up into the desired size.
10-Clean up the mess.
11-Eat, Share, Enjoy!!!

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5 years ago

I’m up there in the picture!