I LOVE peaches and peach season just might be my favorite season EVER!

What I usually do with peaches is, can them, and eat them. That’s it. This year I felt adventurous so I asked for some peach dessert recipes. In my mind, I was expecting pie and cobbler recipes. I was blown away by some of recipes, this one being one of them.

It took some effort to make, I’m not going to lie. I feel like all new recipes take a bit longer to make. The second time I made it, I was much quicker and less messy.
Moral of this story is, make this more than once. It’s that good.

When making this recipe. Start with making the sauce. The sauce does take some effort because you have to puree peaches which involves peeling and pitting them. The sauce also has to cool so it gives you time to let it cool while getting the rest of the stuff done.

Peeling, coring, and pitting the rest of the peaches is the next thing that takes a while.
Make sure to set out the cream cheese to soften and make sure the Cool Whip isn’t frozen.

Bottom Layer:
25 Golden Oreo Cookies, crushed
25 Vanilla Wafer, crushed
½ stick of butter, melted
Middle Layer:
2-8oz. Packages of cream cheese, softened
1 cup Powdered Sugar
8 oz Cool Whip
Top Layer:
1 cup sugar
3 Tbsp. Cornstarch
½ cup water
1 Tbsp. Butter
2 cups Fresh Peaches, peeled, pitted, and pureed
6 cups of skinned and sliced peaches.
1-Start making the top layer first so it has time to cool. Add the sugar and cornstarch to a medium/large saucepan. Whisk together then add the water and butter.
2-Skin the peaches and take the seeds out. Add them to a food processor and mix them until a nice smooth consistency. Add pureed peaches to the saucepan and bring it to a boil. Let it boil for about 3 minutes to help get rid of any starchy taste. Let it cool.
3-Start with the bottom layer next. Put the golden oreos and vanilla wafers in a large ziplock bag and crush them. You can crush them as much or as little as you would like. After making this a few times, I prefer to have them in a little bigger chunks, so the bag method was better than the food processor method as shown in the video.
4-Add the butter to the mixed cookies and press to the bottom of a 9×13 pan.
5-Next make the middle layer. Add softened cream cheese and powdered sugar to a bowl and mix until smooth. Add the cool whip and mix again.
6-Carefully spread the cream cheese mixture over the cookie layer.
7-Peel, pit, and peel 6 cups of peaches. Once the thickened sauce has cooled, add the 6 cups of sliced peaches then pour over the top of the cream cheese layer.
8-Let it chill in the fridge for 3 hours or overnight.
9-Clean up the mess.
10-Eat! Share! Enjoy!