Tomato Basil Soup


Tomato Basil Soup

To be honest with you, I don’t think my kids have ever had canned Campbell’s tomato soup. I think I have some in my storage room. It’s just that this recipe is so easy to make that we just make this soup instead because it is easy and so yummy.

Tomato Basil Soup

Tomato Basil soup can be a scary thing to feed kids because of it’s power to ruin clothes and make a mess everywhere.

The way we eat it is by putting a straw in it and the kids drink it up. We make sure it’s cool enough before doing it because we don’t want them to burn themselves. We aren’t horrible parents.

Another way we get our kids to eat tomato basil soup is to serve it with bread. Stay tuned for our video and making Crusty Artisan Bread that goes so well with this soup.

Tomato Basil Soup

Tomato Basil Soup

2 -28oz cans of Diced Tomatoes.
46 oz Tomato Juice
1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
1 cube butter
21+ basil leaves
Salt and Pepper to taste

1-Make sure you have all the ingredients needed.
2-Wash hands and clean your work area.
3-Dump the diced tomatoes and tomato juice in a large pot.
4-*With the help of an adult, cook on a low simmer for 30 minutes. A low simmer means it’s only boiling a little tiny bit.  You don’t want big bubbles coming up.
5-Clean up mess and get the butter, cream, and basil ready.
6-*With the help of an adult, you can leave the soup in the pot and use an immersion blender or scoop some out and put it in a blender. If you use a blender make sure you don’t fill it too full and open the top a little and put a towel on top in case it overflows a little.
7-Place the basil leaves in the blender with the soup and mix it up until you don’t see any green specs.
8-*With the help of an adult, dump the hot soup back in the pot.
9-Pour 1 cup of heaving whipping cream in the soup and mix around.
10-Put 1 cube of butter in the pot and mix it and wait for it to melt. The soup should still be hot enough that it will melt by itself.
11-Add salt and pepper if it needs more flavor.
12-Clean up mess.
13-Using a ladle, pour some into bowls. We usually put an ice cube or two in each bowl to cool it down and put a straw inside and bowl to make it easier to drink.
14-Eat, Share, Enjoy!

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[…] generally eat it with Tomato Basil Soup or Cheddar Broccoli Soup (recipe to come) during the winter and then chips and salad in the […]